
The second edition of the comprehensive guided tour of modern lens design methods by Mr. Dilworth, published by the Institute of Physics. To order from IOP in an ebook format, click HERE. To order the hardcopy from Amazon, click HERE.
This second edition reveals new tools that would have required weeks or months of labor using older methods. Powerful search routines that can quickly produce excellent designs starting with plan-parallel plates are described. The principles are explained, and data files are provided so the user can duplicate these systems and learn how to use the new software to solve unexpected problems, should they occur. Automatic substitution of real glass types for a glass model, and automatic matching to testplates of a selected vendor, are fully explained.
You can also find in the book design examples such as 12 element zoom lens, a superachromatic telescope objective, eyepieces, infrared lenses, spy cameras, plastic aspheres, laser beam shapers, X-ray optics, and more.
The lens data files of design lessons in this book can be run in SYNOPSYS™ Lens Design Software. To request a zipped copy of the lens data files to work through alongside your copy of the book, please fill out the request form below.

Supplement to Joseph M.Geary’s
Introduction to Lens Design
Includes Software on Mini CD-ROM
Click here to learn more.