Don Dilworth, the creator of the SYNOPSYS™ Lens Design Software, has more than 50 years experience in optical design. He has delivered on many different designs such as telescopes, compact cell phone cameras, microlithography systems, athermal systems, IR imaging systems, etc… If you need help on your lens design projects, please contact Don at Dilworth@osdoptics.com or check out his engineering service website, www.dilworthoptics.com.
If you want to explore the possibility of sourcing cost effective optics manufacturers to prototype or manufacture your optical systems, please send your inquiry to info@osdoptics.com. We have close working relationship with high quality optics manufacturers in China and Taiwan area. We only work with vendors that are trustworthy and capable to deliver so that your contracted projects are in good hands.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via the form below.