RayJack® ONE is the non-sequential ray tracer by Hembach Photonik – the new tool for optical system analysis. RayJack® ONE offers maximum flexibility and control over simulations.
New challenges in optics require new approaches. RayJack® ONE is particularly suited for scientists and engineers who want or need to develop their own solution strategies.

Benefits of RayJack® ONE in a nutshell:
- Via its Python interface RayJack® ONE can be programmed almost freely. The user is optimally supported by an intuitive and transparent language concept, syntax highlighting and auto-completion of commands. Modular, reusable simulation models as well as the possibility to integrate freely available numerical libraries lead to an enormous increase in productivity
- RayJack® ONE offers extensive options for geometric and physical modeling and graphics output in presentation quality.
- With a sophisticated and flexible detector concept, users cannot only calculate standard quantities for radiometry or photometry, but also freely define their own measurement quantities.
- The development of RayJack® ONE is based on a clearly defined roadmap and is funded by the European Space Agency ESA as part of the GSTP program.
- RayJack® ONE is a young, dynamically growing software. We are happy to take customer feedback into account in further development.
- Hembach Photonik builds on more than twenty years of experience in optical design and analysis, which has significantly influenced the design of RayJack® ONE. We know the workflow of typical projects very well and are acquainted with the development needs and the weaknesses of previous solutions.
- Our practical engineering experience naturally also forms the basis for high-quality, application-oriented technical support.
Contact us to request an offer, a test license, and/or further technical details
We offer RayJack® ONE at attractive entry-level conditions through our early-bird program (limited to 30.6.2021).